Liberty Soldier’s Rights campaign
The human rights organisation Liberty campaign on Soldier's Rights and have addressed a number of substantial concerns with the military justice system in recent years.
Selling the military: A critical analysis of contemporary recruitment marketing in the UK
February 2019

War School film

#ResistMilitarism on Armed Forces Day 2018

White Poppies for Schools
updated August 2018

Everyday Militarism poster
July 2018

This poster on Everyday Militarism (designed by Abbey Thornton and produced by Quakers in Britain) features many aspects of current militarism in the UK. It is a great way to spark off conversation about the roots of war and the kind of society we need to build peace. Available as a download, or to order and there is also an interactive version. It comes with discussion notes. See the poster and related resources
Military involvement in education and youth activities in the UK
September 2018

Public poll on minimum age of armed forces recruitment
July 2018
The nationwide survey found 72% of people who expressed a view believed young people should not be able to join the army until they are 18.
Warrior Nation: war, militarisation and British democracy – films
August 2018

- Warrior Nation: war, militarisation and British democracy, by Professor Paul Dixon
- Military Britain by Professor Joanna Bourke
- Militarism in public life in the UK, Emma Sangster, Coordinator of ForcesWatch
Warrior Nation: War, militarisation and British democracy
June 2018

The new tide of militarisation
updated 2018

Submission to the Human Rights and the Scottish Parliament inquiry
April 2018

Evidence submitted to the Armed Forces and Veterans Mental Health Inquiry
March 2018
Written evidence submitted by ForcesWatch to the Defence Committee's Armed Forces and Veterans Mental Health Inquiry.
Evidence submitted to the Alternative Provision Inquiry
February 2018
This submission briefly outlines 'alternative provision with a military ethos' and details a number of concerns - relative effectiveness, targeting disadvantage, lack of consultation and lack of scrutiny.
Taking action on militarism films
November 2017