audio & film
audio & film
Taking action on militarism films

Two short films from the Take Action on Militarism event.
Rethinking security

Two resources outlining the aims behind the Rethinking Security project. Also see the Rethinking Security report and website
Why a white poppy?

A short film from the Peace Pledge Union on the significance of the white poppy.
Soldiers at 16 – The other side of the story

Army adverts don't tell you what being a soldier is really like.
Talks about militarism from MAW Youth conference

Listen to talks given by David Gee (writer on militarism and campaigning to raise the age of recruiting into the UK armed forces) and Ben Griffin (Veterans for Peace UK) from the conference on Creeping Militarisation of Everyday Life organised by Movement for the Abolition of War Youth.
The Unseen March

The Unseen March - short film made by Quakers in Britain with former SAS Ben Griffin, activist Mark Thomas and educationalists on ‘military ethos’ in schools.
The British Armed Forces: Propaganda in the classroom?

Produced by Quaker Peace & Social Witness. To accompany the ForcesWatch report A critical response to 'The British Armed Forces: Learning Resource 2014'
Engage: the Military and Young People

A short film made by Headliners and ForcesWatch, 2014
Why does the military have a 'youth engagement' policy and why is the government promoting 'military ethos' within education? What is the impact of military activities taking place in schools? ForcesWatch have been working with the charity Headliners and a group of young people in London to produce this short film which explores these questions and gives teenagers the opportunity to voice their reaction to the military’s interest in their lives.Engage: the Military and Young People – discussion points

Why does the UK military have a 'youth engagement' policy and why is the UK government promoting 'military ethos' within education? What is the impact of military activities taking place in schools? ForcesWatch and Headliners worked with a group of young people in London to produce this short film which explores these questions. These discussion points can be used in education and youth groups.
Presentations from the Militarisation in Everyday Life in the UK conference

The Militarisation in Everyday Life in the UK conference was held in London in 2013 and was organised by ForcesWatch. It brought together academics, writers, activists and campaigners concerned about the implications of the militarisation of everyday life in the UK. 12 presentations were filmed. For more details and background reading, see here.