Making it 18 – the SNP votes yes to raising the age of recruitment
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SNP adopt #MakeIt18

Is pushing the cadets really in pupils’ best interests?
Cadet units are not a social panacea but a recruitment tool. Our article, published in Schools Week, critiques the social impact report being used by the MoD to validate the expansion of cadets in state schools.
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The Ministry of Defence has no place in our schools
Children don’t need militarism. They need a decent learning environment, writes Rhianna Louise. Our piece in The Morning Star about the latest announcement of more cadet units in schools and the problematic social impact report that has been published to support this.
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From the classroom to the frontline – schools must be careful what they teach kids about the army
This article by . Lecturer in Global Ethics at the University of Birmingham, explores the dangers involved in miltary activity in schools and for the youngest recruits. It emphasises the moral risks and the 'moral exploitation' involved.
The Conversation
Innovation not conformity
Dr Brian Belton, a leading international authority on youth work, gives his thoughts on the report: What is the social impact resulting from the expenditure on cadets? He argues that, 'the modern world does not require conformity, it demands innovation'.
Dr Brian Belton and ForcesWatch
Why We Must Take Children Out Of Military Environments
With former 17 former Army Foundation College Harrogate instructors facing court martial for mistreating recruits- including actual bodily harm and battery, we look at the evidence that military environment facilitate threats to child welfare. This article was first published on Huffington Post
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Academics: Armed forces are no place for 16-year-olds
A letter to the Guardian (12/09/17) from more than 50 academics has called for the age of recruitment ot the UK armed forces to be raised to 18. It backs a conference motion from SNP Youth in support of this.
Arms companies and immorality in education
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Make Art Not War… or both?
Poppy Kohner