A back door to Parliament for defence contractors: mapping arms company influence in APPGs

Our research on the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Armed Forces found very little transparency and a huge amount of corporate sponsorship, and defence companies continue their involvement in APPGs in the new parliament.
Complicit partners? The UK-Israel Roadmap

In 2023 the UK and Israel agreed an extensive 'Roadmap' for cooperation and partnership. We explore its material and ideological commitments on issues like economics and defence, and consider the implications of this relationship for peace and security.
International antimilitarism

A round-up of our recent podcast series featuring activists working against militarism in Israel, the US and South Korea, dissenting voices from the Ukrainian war and the UK, and a Palestinian experience of militarised occupation.
100 days of Starmer: no substantial change to UK militarism

Some token foreign policy developments have been made but the opportunity for setting a new tone around defence and security has been missed.
Dark Matter: The UK military ventures into space

A new space-race is militarising the heavens. We look at recent developments, UK alliances, the defence companies involved, and the woeful lack of parliamentary scrutiny.
‘Honourable and Gallant Members’: Patrician militarism prevails under Labour

Johnny Mercer may have lost his seat, but military ‘values and standards’ are here to stay in British politics
GE24: Militarist manifestos?

More of the same? Where the parties stand on defence issues.
Start Thinking Gamer: the British military’s new recruitment frontier

After the British Army pulled its planned Fortnite promo due to criticism it could target children, we explore how military recruitment is moving into the unregulated domain of online gaming.
The Troubles so-called: Britain’s War in Ireland

A retrospective on our Warrior Nation mini-series platforming voices whose lives and work have been shaped by the war in the North of Ireland.
What the arms fair tells us about new militarism

As the world's largest arms fair takes place in London we look at what it says about the direction of defence and its relationship with civil society.