Figures reveal high number of visits by armed forces to Norfolk schools

Figures obtained under Freedom of Information reveal that the armed forces are visiting nearly all secondary maintained schools and academies in Norfolk and some schools have activities run by the military many times a year.

Event: Questioning the presence of the military in schools, Tuesday 23rd October, The Cube Room, The Forum, 2 Bank Plain, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 1TF, 6.30-8pm

Figures obtained under Freedom of Information reveal that the armed forces are visiting nearly all secondary maintained schools and academies in Norfolk and some schools have activities run by the military many times a year. (1)

Since September 2010 there have been a total of 231 visits to 60 schools and colleges (2).

Over 90% of secondary maintained schools and academies and colleges in Norfolk were visited by the armed forces an average of 4 times during a two year period.

Several primary schools also had the armed forces visiting year 6 classes with careers presentations. Only 3 independent schools in the whole county were visited.

East Norfolk 6th Form had the highest number of visits, with the armed forces recording having been at the educational institution 18 times since September 2010. The majority are for careers briefings, award evenings, curriculum support, presentations and team building events.… Read more

Figures reveal high number of visits by armed forces to Edinburgh schools

Event: Questioning the presence of the military in schools, Thurdsay 11 October, St Augustine’s United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL, 7.30-9pm

Figures obtained under Freedom of Information reveal that the armed forces are visiting nearly all schools in the Edinburgh area and some schools have activities run by the military many times a year. (1)

Of the 23 state secondary schools in Edinburgh, 22 were visited by the armed forces an average of 7 times during a two year period. A further 11 independent schools and FE Colleges also had visits. Since September there have been a total of 225 visits to 33 schools and colleges (2). Balerno High School had the highest number of visits, with the armed forces recording having been at the school 22 times since September 2010. Some of the visits are for individual interviews, but the majority are for careers briefings, award evenings, curriculum support, presentations and team building events.

The figures have been obtained by ForcesWatch who are concerned about the level of military involvement in UK schools and colleges across the UK (3).

Event: Questioning the presence of the military in schools, Thurdsay 11 October, St Augustine’s United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL, 7.30-9pm

Figures obtained under Freedom of Information reveal that the armed forces are visiting nearly all schools in the Edinburgh area and some schools have activities run by the military many times a year.… Read more