The MPs and the arms company reps
In our second analysis of the Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme we uncover how MPs dined with generals and arms company representatives.
From Militant to Military Labour
With the UK in the midst of wide spread industrial action we took a look at the historic use of the armed forces to break strikes and quell workers rights.
Overselling the Military
The British Army has a new recruitment campaign. We took a critical look at its message and how the latest iteration fits within the constant need to sell the military.
Pioneering a dystopian future
Many of the world's largest arms companies are involved in providing education and careers activities for young visitors at the UK's largest airshows. The same companies that are supplying weapons and military jets to Saudi Arabia for their war in Yemen.
The Military-Entertainment Complex
With the new Top Gun movie hitting British cinemas at the end of last month, our chief blog writer Joe Glenton reflects on the war films of his childhood and the recruitment potential of military sponsored entertainment.
The Qatari Connection
The military relationship between Qatar and the UK has a number of unique and interesting features. We took a look at how the two countries have become increasingly intertwined on matters of war, security and trade.
Thinking through ‘Lethal Aid’
With Britain, the U.S and other NATO countries sending weapons to Ukraine following Russia's brutal invasion we took a step back to analyse the implications of lethal aid.
Location vs Doctrine: hybrid warfare and the grey zone
The Russian invasion of Ukraine demonstrates the violence of kinetic warfare but it has also highlighted the West's longer term view of Vladimir Putin as an adversary who operates in the so-called grey-zone between peace and all-out conflict.
Pushback? How Britain is militarising the Channel
With the military set to become more involved in intercepting boats in the English Channel we examine the support the armed forces were already providing Border Force and critique the wider process of militarisation this represents.
Soldiers of the Future?
The British Army calls the Future Soldier programme its most “radical transformation in two decades”. We take a look at key documents announcing the plans and ask crucial questions of the proposals.